В Центральном районе Сочи сотрудники Госавтоинспекции совместно с инспекторами по делам несовершеннолетних, осуществили проверку в сфере нарушений ПДД лицами, не достигшими 18 лет
The main idea of the text is that the Sochi traffic police conducted a raid targeting underage drivers of SIM vehicles and mopeds, resulting in administrative penalties and educational talks for teenagers and their parents on road safety.
The article highlights the importance of adhering to traffic rules, particularly for minors, and emphasizes that children should only use sidewalks and travel with adult supervision.
The main idea of the text is that the Sochi traffic police conducted a raid targeting underage drivers of SIM vehicles and mopeds, resulting in administrative penalties and educational talks for teenagers and their parents on road safety. The article highlights the importance of adhering to traffic rules, particularly for minors, and emphasizes that children should only use sidewalks and travel with adult supervision.